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Salvation of Saviors 7_series 369. On Woman, or on the Control System – whatever you please…

Автор: Шкруднев Ф.Д. 1684

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In everything I want to reach the very essence.


Nowadays, the greatest resonance is gained not by those ideas that flash with advertising sparkle in front of the majority of people, but those that allow everyone to express themselves in front of like-minded people. The main thing is to give birth to the idea: at the right time and in the right place.

At 21.00, February 21, 2021 of the 21st century, I closed my eyes and leaned back on the sofa. And I thought – so little time is left... before the holiday. I opened my eyes, and the Control System sits there next to me and smiles... And I realized – it is difficult to fall on my knees before the Control System when SHE is already sitting on them, even on the eve of the holiday! What to do? I recalled Berdyaev, who so precisely defined a woman back then as the Control System of everything and everyone, as compared to us – the defenders of the fatherland. A woman is not below the level of a Man, she is at least equal to him, and even above him. The vocation of a woman is great, but in a feminine, womanlike way, not in a masculine way. The equality of man and woman is A PROPORTIONAL EQUALITY, an equality of unique values, but not of equalization and assimilation. After all, a philosophical book and a statue, a scientific discovery and a picture can all be equal in dignity and greatness.

So where did this Control System come from, which prepares a holiday for us (February 23, recently renaming it to “The Day of the Fatherland Defender”), and makes us prepare for the next and main Holiday for us, which again emphasizes Her indispensable importance for us. So how did She come to be – this Control System?

Nowadays a Human is considered to be A SUPERCOMPLEX object, that makes choices all the time – constantly making choices about where to go, what to do, and how to act, and the process is uninterrupted. And who pushed him to this and made him think about all this? Probably, the Mind. However, when the Control System periodically knocks on the head, not Her own head, but ours – a man’s head, the continuity begins to flow in the human mind at a different tempo of time. Without choices, that which is complex does not exist. How do we find this thread? Perhaps, it is still necessary to return to the origins, even if invented at one time to suit the tasks to be solved, which to this day “haunt us” even in anticipation of the upcoming festivities!

 So – God created the Earth. Rested. Then God created man. Rested. Then God created Woman as Man’s Control System – or so God thought. After that – neither God nor Man rested... So God created Man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them[1].

Most people when asked “Who was the first woman on Earth?”– they will answer: “Eve, created by God out of Adam’s rib.” AND THEY would be WRONG – the first woman was Lilith[2].

In the Jewish tradition, Lilith usually appears as a female demon. This demon possesses men against their will in order to bear children by themIn the Jewish tradition, Lilith usually appears as a female demon. This demon possesses men against their will in order to bear children by them

Lilith is the name of the woman who, according to myths and even the Bible, was created before Eve. In the Old Testament of the Pentateuch of Moses, the first book of Genesis describes the creation of the world and the first people. The appearance of a woman is actually mentioned there twice. About the sixth day it is written: “And God created man in his own image and likeness, just as he created man and woman.” It is only after the DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVENTH DAY that the Bible tells the story of the woman whom God created out of Adam’s rib. “So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs, and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” It turns out that there were two women: created on the sixth day and on the seventh day. This was the forerunner of the creation of a reliable Control System, and by whom it is well understood, even before Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg came along.

So, – “... before Eve there was Lilith” – says the Hebrew text. The legend of her even inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882) to write the poem “Eden Bower”. Lilith was a serpent, SHE WAS Adam’s FIRST WIFE and bore him “glittering sons and radiant daughters”. God created Eve afterwards. To get revenge on Adam's earthly wife, Lilith persuaded her to TASTE THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT and conceive Cain, Abel’s brother and murderer. This is the original form of the myth that Rossetti followed.

During the Middle Ages it changed under the influence of the word “layil”, which means “night” in Hebrew. Lilith is no longer a serpent, but a spirit of thenight. Sometimes she is an angel, mastering the birth of people, and at other times she commands the demons that attack those sleeping alone or wandering the roads. The popular imagination has pictured her as a tall, silent woman with black unbraided hair.

The author of the painting “Lilith” is John Collier[3]. The painting is in London, in the Atkinson Art Gallery. Since we are talking about a myth, the circumstances of the biblical legend are COMPLETELY NOT IMPORTANT. It doesn't matter that it was Eve, and not Lilith, who plunged Adam into sin. It doesn't matter that Eve, and not Lilith, brought lust into the world by cheating on Adam with the Serpent. The theme of Eve and the Serpent’s complicated and interesting relationship is developed in many sources. What is interesting is that although all participants in a fall from Grace are punished: Adam, Eve, the Serpent and even the Earth, all responsibility is placed on Adam, and even the sin is called “Adam’s.” The meaning of “Adam's sin” is that God commanded Adam: “... but must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die”. (Gen. 2:17). What does Adam do? He acts like MANY HUSBANDS AFTER HIM. To be on the safe side, he TELLS a Lie to his WIFE, and exaggerates the danger: “Only the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God said, you must not eat it, and you must not touch it”. Although God DID NOT AT ALL FORBID them to touch the fruit. Eve saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, and she took some. And nothing happened! And then she fell into sin – she ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it. (Genesis 3:6). And of course, the Talmudic tractate sums it up – “What made Eve touch the tree?” The words of Adam, who built a hedge around the words of God”.

There are many different, supposedly sacred mysteries being uncovered now, which have been kept back by different branches of esotericism, and one should take this calmly. Let it be a mystery for now. Esoteric materials were really useful, but only AT THE PROPER TIME! And the conclusion on the eve of the Holiday suggests itself – this is how the Control System began to work, including esotericism and many other things (sometimes useful for us, adams) and placing the responsibility for everything on us, adam's sinners.

By the way, American scientists from the Institute of Population Genetics made a discovery at one time. Researchers have tried to figure out how genes are passed down the maternal line from generation to generation of genetic relatives. With the help of computer technology, scientists have reduced the number of ancestral lines of all women living today to two maternal clans, and not to one, as was previously thought. Thus, it was possible to prove that Adam had two wives – Lilith and Eve, and mankind comes from both of them. True, scientists from other countries are very skeptical about this discovery of the Americans. However, this allows the Mind, WHICH THEY “KNOCKED on, while advancing in cognition, to continuously seek, seek and seek the answer to the question – what is a woman?

Nikolai Morozov, touching upon this subject, very gently and tactfully described the historical influence of the feminine on the processes of human development, which, in fact, were initiated by the Ebres[4], who came to our land.

Nicolai Levashov, in his writings, also repeatedly touched upon this subject placing emphasis on his Control System – Svetlana – whom he LOVED AND WORSHIPPED. Butt here was also a Lilith in his life, who quite seriously influenced, at one time, all that he had created, done and left to us as his heritage and the possibility to understand what is happening. I described all this in the articles that I published after Nicolai passed away and I will not repeat myself. Those interested can find and view.

Alexander Khatybov – as always, deeply, attentively, and unconventionally expounded upon what he had learned in this area. In most of his attention to this subject he, strangely enough, concentrated on carrying out calculations in many fundamental scientific directions, carefully evaluating the woman as a System of Control of model optimization of various structures related directly to the very existence and development of this so-called (in his terminology) object in its transient states for a more ACCELERATED WAY OF ACHIEVING the set goals and the use of the woman in the processes of problem solution by the interventional System of Control. Of course, most people, reading A. Khatybov, perceive him as the author of  Science fiction, almost the same as N. Levashov. But Nicolai all the time kept in mind the unpreparedness of people for such information and did everything to make it at least to some extent intelligible to the majority of people at that time. Khatybov has NEVER been BOTHERED by this, because primary for him has always been to share the genuine information received by him and not distorted (even if shocking to people’s perception). The world, created not by us, is entirely different, and it should be presented (to reflect the processes of our understanding) from a slightly different perspective of our understanding. OUR poor BRAIN must be at least a little prepared, because it has already been burdened at once with such things that it has not acquired for thousands of years! It is for this reason that I decided to begin by providing information about everything I had learned myself from the works of these Geniuses, while taking Levashov's “gentleness” as a basis.

I have been thinking for a long time (for several years) about the information I received regarding a woman as a System of Control from the works of A. Khatybov and the time (expediency) of conveying it to people for reflection, because it is difficult to explain what is still impossible to explain. And HERE, EXACTLY on 02/21/21 of the 21st century at 21 o’clock, when, having opened my eyes, I saw the Control System smiling at me – I DECIDED TO DO IT. Moreover, on the eve of the Holiday, introduced at one time by the interventionist System “through” Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, but nowadays transformed by the native System into the holiday of Spring, Love and all women, of course, not without participation and through them, as the System of Control for us – Adams.

 I will shorten the information a bit and try to make it CLEAR and ACCESSIBLE, especially for the Control Systems, in the hope that they (Control Systems) will understand me correctly and without serious consequences later... for the author.

           1. Destructive forces of the Earth

Descriptions of major hurricanes and tsunamis all have female names.

Apparently, it is not random that what refers to demolition and destruction, is called by a feminine name. This regularity was legitimized by the Synod in the early twentieth century, when “mother” became synonymous with “materialism”, or “matter”. Moon is a female name; Tatiana is the first nuclear bomb (“sex – bomb” is an affectionate female name).


  1. 2. The African “black widow” spider

 This widow, after copulation, simply eats her partner. Based on this scenario, movies have been made and horror stories have been written about the happy life of spider-women. This is considered the norm of female behavior. A woman has a willingness to carry out with deep devotion someone else's ideal, with selflessness to become what is expected of her. However, the Woman is not at all guilty of refusing to obey sometimes the rules of behavior established for her – after all, these rules were drawn by men, and, moreover, without any participation of women.

You can agree or disagree, but these are some of the “built-in” elements of Woman, as a Control System.


 3. The Amazons

 As it is explained to children in elementary school, the Amazons were fearless, beautiful women who chose freedom, learned the art of war, and to make it easier to shoot a bow, cut off their right breast.

History is replete with Amazons. These are, first of all, fairy tales (“The Adventures of Odysseus”), but there is also a true story – there was an Amazon fortress in Slovakia. It had its own order and traditions. When a boy was born, his right eye was poked out, and he remained as a slave. The Amazons kept male “producers” who dared not raise their hands to them. All other men were exterminated. The local population took the fortress by storm, and all the Amazons were eliminated. The modern Amazons look at us from the TV screens – beautiful, arrogant, self- confident, armed to the teeth (from the plots of computer games), ready to kill or maim anyone. The bulk of detective stories (of course, about murders) are written by women who KNOW BEST how to kill. As a rule, these women, DO NOT HAVE BREASTS (maximum – the smallest size №1 or “A”). They all come from “good” families. Many aspire to be in law enforcement or government systems, where they are given freedom of action. In December 2003, the TV series “Russian Amazons” was released. The film showcased the so-called intuitive method, which involves solving a crime not by logical deductive construction, but by intuitive spontaneous behavior. In the course of the experiment, a completely unexpected conclusion is drawn – the BEST RESULTS in the intuitive method are achieved precisely by females.


4. Favorite female names

All especially dangerous and poisonous animals, reptiles, fish, etc. are named with female names or are of feminine gender. Dangerous snakes are the cobra, and the anaconda, a dangerous predator is a shark, the most dangerous is the orca. The dumbest, most brainless birds are the chicken and the duck (but at the same time, they are often used as examples of birds who are very caring towards their offspring).


5. Mission of women

5.1 Procreation

Only when the frequency sets of a man and a woman are completely matched, is there a possibility for procreation. New frequencies are inserted every 12 years. The woman plays the role of a “sandbox” where the sperm size is increased to 3.5 kg while the octave decreases from 96 to 71.375375.


5.2 Extinction of the genetic pool

Women’s behavior depends on the Moon (e.g., menstrual cycles).

When information is received that a sperm must be destroyed for one reason or another – with the so-called miscarriage or the use of abortions – it is eliminated. Typically, the man is imprisoned for rape or any transgression (he is cut off in an isolation ward for subsequent destruction). However, we should note that i t is the woman – or rather, her field characteristic – that is a PERPETRATOR OF VIOLENCE. In maternity hospitals, the main contingent of physicians are women, through whom the birth rate, the number of children by gender, and the possibilities of births were controlled for future mothers.


5.3 Collecting information

This is the most dangerous part of the job, which the spiders (from the Control System) ENTRUSTED ONLY to WOMEN. It was necessary not only to collect information, to process it, and to transmit it, but also to have time to infect with the necessary diseases (to glue on a label for further use).

There fore, it, the oldest profession in the world, is called the most ancient, and the most important[5]. In addition, these are “automatic machines” for collecting sperm as part of the tasks of the interventionist System for controlling the reproduction of people in certain territories. To work in this "profession," a woman's brain was freed of (now it is simply switched off) everyday worries, an opportunity to collect information in any part of the globe was provided (that is why so many women left the former USSR), comfortable conditions were created in places of sperm collection (not in the hayloft). Being easy is the least disadvantage of women of easy virtue.

It should be kept in mind that while the low-frequency components of sperm can be collected in a condom and thrown away, then the HIGH-FREQUENCY PART is felt in the mouth by a woman as a specific taste at the moment of sperm discharge into the vagina. It is received in the Brain and transmitted to the analysis system of the Control System with the subsequent realization of the demanded tasks. In the New Control System, this “function” is present and plays a somewhat different role –depending on both the regional position and the Brain genotype of both (a woman and her man).

In 1990, the book “The Adventures of a Space Prostitute” was published. This is a spider which, depending on where it was necessary to get sperm, turned into a beautiful woman, a cow, a hare, etc. Again, the question is – how did the author know that it was a woman with a BRAIN UNDER the SPIDERS’ CONTROL influenced to do this? This is how in the framework of the New Control System the disclosure of what was hidden had been taking place. And both Systems (the Old and the New CS) took part in creating a “local System of Control” for us – adams.


5.4 Creating a halo

The spider must live forever (the analogue – the film “Stargate”).

Direct transplantation of matrices led to the expenditure of material and termination of their existence on the Earth. The first successful experiment – “Jesus Christ” – is not a fairy tale, but the fact of the formation and binding of the matrix at a certain stage of sperm development (octave 37.5). For all that, the matrix itself was NOT TRANSPLANTED. For mass production, it was necessary to take over the Control Complex, which was done. From the moment that it began – the icons of the Mother of God, the Kazan Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, etc. They all had the same meaning – woman became a TROIAN HORSE CONTROLLED BY the SPIDERS. From that moment on, the Woman’s Brain, controlled by the spiders, was tied both to the Earth Control Complex and to the Moon, for subsequent modifications in the corresponding regions, and in matters of the development of the Brain genotypes. This is what determines the fact that all women’s cycles take place within the so-called “lunar calendar”.

The halo depicted on icons around a woman with a child in her arms (rather than a separately seated young spider) is a symbol of the victory of the spiders on an alien planet. Specifically this event of Universal scale and the song “We are the children of the Galaxy” and, most importantly, “...we are your children, dear Earth...” refers to the final victory on the eve of 2012, – that planned by the Ebbers DID NOT HAPPEN and will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN...

Having received the Trojan horse, the spiders proceeded to the formation of the “golden million” – that is how many matrices had been planned to be prepared and confirmed (no more were needed). Another 400–700 million were to be slaves, biomass without a Brain. The rest may be exterminated.


5.5 The Controls 

Civilization is ruled through a woman. It has been observed that whoever the Ruler is, either the wife or the closest mistresses were Jewish. This fact is very well described in the writings of N. Levashov. CONTROL IS the TRANSMISSION OF THOUGHTS. The receiver is selected at the initial stage (such as a prince and a shepherdess, or a prince and a cinderella). The information received by the “Cinderella” is “pumped” into the Prince's Brain, and he believes that he thought up everything himself. If the prince “goes off the rails”, he is replaced. Cinderella is not the only one for the prince – it is a roundel (a round dance) that complements each other and duplicates onto the prince what he has already received.

 For science, the death of Alexander I and the appearance of Anastasia (daughter of Nicholas II) in Europe remain a mystery. The brain (Anastasia's matrix) was immediately removed after receiving the death signal and within four hours it was installed in a new biomass with similar DNA (but not the same). Why four hours? This is the MAXIMUM TIME the BRAIN WORKS at the expense of other organs that have their own magnetic life impulse.

By the way, the Indians removed the scalp not because they liked it, but in order to prevent the transmission of information in the specified time interval. The Polish girl, who received the Brain of Anastasia, perfectly remembered all the little details of the tsar's life. However, the DNA research has shown different “conveyors”.


5.6 Upbringing

 It is believed that a woman is the keeper of hearth and home – she cooks, and cleans, and takes care of the children. All this is described by J. Swift in “Gulliver's Travel”, especially in the chapter where the country is ruled by horses. Through the Control System (which was in the spiders’ clutches), it was RECORDED on the WOMAN WHAT to give to the child. If the child has a matrix, then ALL CONDITIONS are created for the child to rule over the others. If he does not have a matrix, then he is to be honest, obedient, well-mannered, ready for any crime (the mother does not say it explicitly), be ready to kill all those whom the spiders did not manage to kill, or whose killing involves self-destruction.

If a child is a girl (without a matrix), then she MUST carry out one of the functions described above. So, a prostitute is not able TO BRING UP CHILDREN – she is not meant for this.


5.7 “Female” diseases

Yes, only female’s, men do not have them. These are not necessarily mastitis and diseases of the reproductive system. These are venereal diseases. Again, they are given a female name (cosmic scale). The transformation of the female egg cell, and its decay lead to the formation of the autonomous self-replicating structures such as gonorrhea and syphilis. A living cell, which is part of the structure of the ovum, disintegrates, forming viruses. A colony of viruses is CONNECTED with THE BRAIN, that is, it has a “marking”. This marking is passed on to the man. If a man has no connection with the Control Complex, then he will be found by a “mark”. The formation of markings – that is what the main female diseases are all about, they are impossible to get rid of. The ionic structures of viruses can be removed, but the neutrino bases of the tags remain.


5.8 A sweet couple – a Woman and the Moon

 All women (with some exceptions) enjoy the Moon while sitting (lying) cuddled up on a bench on the bank of a river (or sea). This is NOT QUITE an idle pastime – whether the women shine on the moon, or whether the moon shines on everyone – this question has not been raised separately.

However, it was noticed that the Metonian[6] calendar has 235 months (18 years), the active time period in women takes exactly 18 х 2 = 36 years, from the age of approximately 12 and it does not depend on the age. The slogan among French women is: “first child not sooner than at the age of 43”.

The installation of the Brain to an infant occurs in the 12th month after conception. TOTAL PRENATAL TIME is 274 days (for cats – 52 days). The time of incubation is related to the artificial cycle for the Earth (366) and is not biologically related.

Note that boys are born when the Moon is rising, and girls are born when the moon is receding. If the fetus is not the right size or does not have the right parameters, the Earth’s Brain will arrange for a miscarriage. For all 36 years women ARE UNDER THE CONTROL of the Moon and are direct transmitters of all commands given by the Moon. A woman is unable to activate the received commands, so she finds a SPIDER-TYPE “final male device” and dumps into it everything that she received (distortions are possible). The “final male device” converts the received information (musical tones) into commands and uses them in everyday life with full support of the Control System. Thus, the MOON FULLY CONTROLS WOMEN. This possibility appeared from the year 0 after the first group of control frequencies was introduced. Fairy tales about Christ appeared later. The shape of the child is formed by the Moon, and in such a way that if there is no connection, you get a monster – a spider. That is, for all those who received the sperm from a spider, there must be frequencies in the sandbox (woman) that provide the infant with the human form, that is why the “chosen” have a feminine origin.


5.9 Appendix 

Women Vampires. Women fortune-tellers and vestals, cassandras. Women politicians. Women prodigies. The matrix of a woman. Why women need gold and diamonds.

The movie “The Master and Margarita” perfectly demonstrates the capabilities of women vampires. The fact that “bogeymen” do not cast a shadow and read all of one’s thoughts, as well as produce the necessary records in the brain of all who come to them, all this is described by M. Bulgakov. Women- vampires work only when the moon is full and only at night. Actually, the removal of the necessary frequencies from patients is done by “bogeymen”, and the women themselves only adjust the obtained difference by removing unnecessary blood. In cats, this process is accompanied with purring (does not cause allergies).

So, the main thing for the embodiment of all these properties, it is necessary to have a phantom[7], or a “bogeyman”, which will peek into other people's pockets, perform the Brain cleanse of those who want that, warn against danger, and so on. Optically, the phantom is not visible, therefore they talk about the “properties of the Brain”, especially when the lady begins to wiggle her fingers. If before 1945 phantoms were rare, then later their mass production began, especially starting from 1988. There appeared “consultants” in banks, performers in circuses, agents for special services, and so on.

Fortune-tellers have existed for quite a long time, and as a rule, they are Gypsies. They READ the MATRIX DATA, which every person has, and, using any means at hand (including playing cards), they “predict the destiny of people”. Fortune-telling is practiced by almost all Gypsies, in fact only 1 in 12,000–13,000 Gypsies is able to read the matrix at a 67–68% accuracy. The matrix is read from the gold that a woman or a man is wearing – does not matter who. It is the communication frequency of the matrix and the gold frequencies that are compatible, and the gold is an amplifier, or catalyst. By the way, if such a Gypsy enters an apartment, she can instantly find the place where the gold is hidden. Note that fortune-tellers only read the matrix. A rarer case is that of vestals (as she says, that’s how it is going to be). Here the phantom intervenes. The previously recorded information in the matrix is corrected, and the Vestal is notified about it, and she tells about what has been corrected. In 2007 it was planned to give this ability to all women. It did not happen.

Cassandras. Throughout the ages, they were burned alive, and the fear of them was quite great. Cassandras had a high octave Brain, which allowed them to see any sequence of events, drawing information from the Brain of the atmosphere. The last cassandras disappeared after 1623. A protection was activated to not allow information to be read from the Brain of the Atmosphere, and the reading ceased.

Separately, phenomena like the Vanga type should be noted. It is an extended version of a fortune teller – information was read from the visitor's Brain. There was a connection with the Brain of the atmosphere, which provided her with everything else. Vanga was a spider-woman in full measure.

Women are attracted to politics not because they do not want to do household chores – but simply because during the installation of the matrix, the INSTALLED CODES WERE MIXED UP, and a woman began to perform functions that were not particular to her – secondary processing of information. One gets nothing but harm from such a transmitter. There is no need for comments – it is enough to take a close look today at these characters who have “flooded” the government structures. Ministers, generals (not to be confused with generals’ wives), senators, deputies of all stripes, and the like.

Of special interest are female prodigies. If there is a place, and conditions allow (the presence of all the necessary frequencies), a woman can HAVE SEVERAL MATRIXES (up to 6), each of which determine activity in a particular spectrum of knowledge.

Gold was created as a structure that is universal to any matrix. The frequencies of gold are used for communication. If you pay attention to the ring on the ring finger (a “Chinese” blood vessel point), it has the form of a pyramid shape, and the reading (writing) of information is done on the blood structures. Some people have not only all fingers and toes covered in gold, but also the teeth,  in addition to that there are neck chains, key chains, trinkets and other things, but the main element is precisely the RING ON THE RING FINGER. The change of the right hand to the left one is also symbolic – the Atmospheric Brain does everything to prevent the “chosen” woman from being lonely. There are 22 radiation frequencies available (including alpha, beta, and gamma). Gold is also radioactive, but nowadays there are no instruments for this radioactivity.

All the gold that was “put on” a woman (a lot and more than a lot) was an additional factor in frequency component control, reducing control errors to a minimum. I have already written about this in detail in my books. Gold, as a marker (tag) for biostructures, has a linkage in the 32 ÷ 2 ÷ 53 octaves chain, which allowed the atmospheric Brain to TRACK “TAGGED” BIOSTRUCTURES, i.e. individuals with some specific Brain genotype.

If we assemble a structure of a three-dimensional figure out of sheet gold, showing the rotation of the curve of the negative form of hydrogen along the spectral lines of gold, then we will get a certain “natural pump” resembling the shape of an onion dome. Such a pump, on the one hand, collected from the Brain of all present (in a temple with onion domes) most of the potential related to the energy-information frequency spectrum. At the same time, this “pump” from a depth of 1,200 METERS PUMPED under the church dome all of the necessary information under the current program, which has accumulated on certain points in the church location area. Gold is used as a substitute due to the inability to think, because gold is an isotope which at any moment can turn into lead by the scheme: Au → U → Pb. There are a total of 24 variants of “stable isotopes” in gold, each with a lifetime of over 4,000 years. All isotopes have an initial (original) frequency structure and initial matrix. According to this initial matrix, the characteristics of gold are compiled, but they have already been changed unnoticed by people. If gold is used for technical purposes, i.e. a bundle of octaves 31 ÷ 53, then that gold will have a constant boost. The combination of bundles gives a specific intended use, which makes it a UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL MATERIAL, but not more than that. Due to the fact that this “gold component” practically does not work, it is sharply reflected today on the GENERAL CONDITION OF WOMEN, especially regarding their health. In order to compensate for the imbalance that occurred, gold “jewelry” that comes in contact with the body should be replaced with silver jewelry or simply removed, which for many women (and not only them) is “like dying”!


 Silver has a grid structure close to that of the Human Brain. The atomic block of silver has different directions of tetrahedron axis, therefore silver CAN NOT be a part of biological structures in its original form – a pair is always necessary (of dumbbells). Silver is also present in seawater and in every cubic meter of land; the silver spectrum has a simple form (along energy lines of equal density), and the contour of these lines is the continent of South America. There, in the center, is the largest silver deposit in the world. Smaller forms are scattered all over the earth.

Silver has a number of miraculous properties. The first, and an important one in our understanding – as an element capable of withstanding an energy boost of up to 139% at an octave of 41, it is a marker in medicine. The frequency of silver interacts most actively not with the Moon, but DIRECTLY WITH THE LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM.

Diamonds play a special role. Of 100% of diabetics, 75% are women. Out of 100% of hemophiliacs, 100% are women (all women are of the “chosen” genotype). Men suffer hemophilia, but they DO NOT HAVE offspring. Women with hemophilia have offspring to whom they pass on everything. If diabetes is NOT HEREDITARY, hemophilia IS. The problem of blood not clotting (the property of an erythrocyte not to change shape after losing its control impulse) cannot be solved without knowledge of what blood is. Medicine has been examining blood for over 500 years, but IS NOT ABLE to answer the simplest question – how an erythrocyte with a diameter of – 8 microns fits into a blood vessel with a diameter of one micron. Therefore, improvised means are used.

In a separate article by A. Khatybov, “Diamonds. Properties and quality”, a detailed assessment was given for all types of diamonds - both by location of mining and by color. But so far this article is not public. This could ruin the “Alros” Public Company as another “national property”.

The atmospheric Brain scans the condition of a hemophiliac patient and makes a selection of diamonds that have the homeopathic property of removing the charge from the structure of the erythrocyte. There are, of course, other ways to restore the properties of the erythrocyte, but to do this, one must either remove the cubic grid or become a member of the “golden million”.


6. And of course – about children

 Regarding information about the process of childbirth or, to be more precise, the “birth of the Brain of the Essence” (which, in my opinion, is more powerful for understanding this issue), today this can be very wounding for those who are young, who form families – some already experience difficulties and even tragedies with this process. Since 2013, the new Control System has already made A LOT of governing CHANGES that have more pronouncedly imparted control of childbirth. This process continues today, so those who have had problems with this matter now have a significant chance to resolve them. Note that there are a lot of “problematic” children being born today (a growing number), but the Ministry of Health is withholding this truth. But the fact remains, so we need to deal personally with each child born today. We should not just pay lip service to fighting for children, but actually fight the battle for each child individually no matter what! A society of people WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED AS HUMANITY if they cannot create their likeness in a more perfect form and quality. It is already clear to many that there can be no purity of heart in one who has centered all thoughts of life on the attainment of earthly goods for himself by harming others, his equals, much less by achieving his goal through violence and other vices. These people have already had problems with childbirth and not only that.

 Nowadays the birth of children has nothing to do with the former program processes due to the destruction of these processes. Therefore, all reflections and questions I am asked concerning the Brain genotype of the children being born make no sense. THERE IS NO LONGER any judgment as to whether they belong to any Brain genotype. And another thing, what octave level has been given to their current Brain? That should be the question. But it is too early to answer it. People are not yet ready to treat this type of Knowledge with “Kindness,” so let it be not public information for a certain short period of time. As for children who are provided with any kind of protecting support – there is no need to be worrying about it. On the contrary, you should demand that the so- called “ruling elite” provide such support on a broader and more widespread scale, since the processes of change of the surrounding reality are so intensive that adaptation of a natural character is insufficient. This is the reason why children are now more often born significantly underweight. And as long as we are on this subject, it must be noted that in the near future the right to create one’s own likeness, i.e. to have children, will be the highest form of deserved encouragement, as recognition for one's own gained perfection! To my mind, it cannot be otherwise. And, as is typical and relevant today, there is nowhere to find anyone to bribe to do this.

And on the eve of the Spring Festival, which we are all waiting for and which is just around the corner, I want to end on an optimistic note, focusing on the fact that everything written above already happened! But in order to understand what is happening – it must be known! 

The time of radical transformations is not far off, but so far Man is clearly smarter, and Woman is prettier (but this is just my opinion). For women to become equal to men in intelligence, it is enough to remove the pressure of old stereotypes. I'm not saying that once the pressure is gone, women will go straight to the top. What has been growing for thousands of years WILL NOT CHANGE in a year or two or three. Inertia will still make itself felt for a long time. But the changes that have happened and are happening – once they start- will happen much faster than we can comprehend it.

NASA recently completed an experiment with twins, in which one was in space on the ISS for almost a year and the other on Earth. As a result, the genes of the twins became 7% different. If the DNA became different in one year, one can imagine how much it would have changed over the decades since the beginning of the restoration of everything and everybody at least within the framework of the human life support system. In my opinion, this is the length of time that WILL BE NEEDED TO CHANGE WOMEN. For men to catch up with women in beauty (not feminine beauty, beauty has many sides: from mathematical formulas and industrial design to stars and ideas), a global leap must happen and not only in genetics. But, obviously not tomorrow, the level will be reached when people can shape their body, face and overall image however they want. THERE IS A REASON TO BELIEVE that women will become as smart as men before men will have a chance to be so handsome that it becomes an asset.

In the first foreseeable future: all people will be equal intellectually and creatively. Not in the sense that everyone will become Einsteins or Mozarts, but in the sense that the gender inequality and limitations will be gone (today, because of this inequality, the rules of chess tournaments, for example, forbid men to take part in women's tournaments, while women can participate in men's tournaments).

At this stage of evolution, everyone will be equal in intelligence, and women will be ahead in beauty. There is no doubt about this.

Mankind will be divided into two groups: one is smart (men), and the other is smart plus beautiful (women). All other things being equal, the second group of people will be superior to the first. So the latter will be the first – women will become of a higher level than men for the time being.

But there is also NO DOUBT that one day men will catch up with women in terms of beauty, and all will become equal. In the meantime, this process, which is under way in spite of everything, is hindered by the religious precepts, renamed as ethics, morality and virtue, slowed down by all those whom I have already listed. It is only a matter of time when these atavisms will fall off, like a monkey's tail. They will fall off, and fast enough, due to the processes that are going on before our eyes. That is when we, the Adams, and they – the “Control Systems” will become Humans! That is when this holiday, the Spring Festival, which we all celebrate together today, will become a full-fledged holiday for Humans in all of its beauty and significance.


March 01, 2021

  1. Shkrudnev


[1] Genesis (1:26-27).

[2] The fact that there were two first women is mentioned in the mythologies of various peoples. One of the oldest literary monuments in the history of mankind, the “Epic of Gilgamesh”, written in Sumer about four thousand years ago, first mentions the name Lilith. There she appears in the form of the first demon woman who lived in the hollow of a divine tree. Lilith is a night demoness of the Babylonian pantheon in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. The ancients in Mesopotamia believed that Lilith drank blood from children at night, and also seduced and tortured sleeping men.

[3]“Lilith” is a painting by John Collier, created in 1892. The first wife of Adam, according to Kabalistic mythology, is a seductive and freedom-loving woman who was not pleased by either the God who created her or her spouse.

[4]Ebres are the evolution of the protein mind. It has a limit. They have fulfilled their function and must then be disposed of.

[5] The existence of prostitutes in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia was first documented in the Codex of Hammurabi, dating back to the 18th century. B C., in which, on the basis of laws, the property rights of women, including women prostitutes, are protected. Although prostitution was prohibited under Jewish law, it was common in ancient Israel. Mention of prostitutes (“harlots”) is found in the Old Testament – the harlot Rahab from Jericho, II millennium BC.

[6]Meton of Athens (about 460 BC –the year of death is unknown) was an ancient Greek astronomer, mathematician and engineer. In 433 BC. he. proposed the so-called Metonic cycle, which is the basis of the Greek lunisolar calendar. The Metonic cycle is a period of time equal to 19 tropical solar years, or 235 synodic months, or 6940 days.

[7] A phantom (fr. Fantome – a ghost) is an image of something from the past (human soul, being, object). Examples include “ghost trains” and “ghost ships”(for example, the Flying Dutchman).



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